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Build Season 2019-2020: Week 2

Designing the Robot

Following a strong start to the season, week 2  has been continuing smoothly as Team Sprocket members are hard at work. From prototyping robots to arranging sponsors, our team has been active in working hard to achieve our set goals!

Each subteam has worked diligently to complete their tasks. In the Mechanical sub-team, members have begun to shift into the prototype testing phase. They have completed building the control panel, the power port, and half of the Shield Generator. Working side by side with the mechanical subteam, CADD has been working on designs for the prototype robot and shooter. The subteam is also currently finishing the final designs for the robot. The members of electrical have been designing electric boards and are finding ways to manufacture them.

An ongoing partnership between Team Sprocket and Friends of Yimbo

The business subteams have been working hard to finish Chairman’s awards and the planning of Friends of Yimbo events. The Public Relations subteam worked with CADD to communicate with our water jetting and welding sponsors and is wrapping up the first version of the Chairman’s writing. Meanwhile, the Publicity subteam members have been working diligently on the Chairman’s Award video. As for Operations, the subteam members have finalized workshops for STEAMposium at Pasadena College.

“I feel like we did a lot of work,” commented Mechanical member Timothy Huang, about the productivity of Team Sprocket this week. “The leads have done a good job rationing out the work so everyone had a job!”

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