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Build Season: Week No. 4

DIAMOND BAR -- Even with our constantly shifting conditions, members have been able to adapt to these changes. This week, Programming has figured out operation of the limelight camera, a key component to potential victory in the coming season. In terms of Business, Public Relations member Laura has successfully secured an additional water-jet sponsor!


Publicity members Aliyah, Kaylee, and Casey (left to right) work on an idea for the Chairman's Video. (Kyle Chen/Team Sprocket)

Business has been busy preparing for the upcoming competitions, especially with the approaching due date of the Chairman's Award next week. Operations and Public Relations have united into a larger collective to tackle the Chairman's Essays, describing our team's history, aspirations, and just about everything else involved with our team. Operations has also prepared gifts and planned an upcoming facility tour for our amazing sponsors! Publicity has finished a stop-motion Chairman's Video that will accompany the written essay.

Engineering Captain Kenny instructs Mechanical members on testing the prototype. (Kyle Chen/Team Sprocket)

Our CADD team has completed the hatch intake and has been continuing their work on the habitat level two and three gearbox. Programming has worked on the limelight camera that will help us with vision tracking, as well as the scouting app that will allow us to gather statistical data on other teams during competition. Electrical has begun working on 3D pneumatic components and has collaborated with Mechanical in testing their prototype. Last but not least, Mechanical, is nearly done with the drive base and has finished prototyping a level two and three habitat design.

With all of this great progress, Team Sprocket is really looking forward to the last two weeks of Build Season!

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