As the San Diego regional approaches, Team Sprocket nears their final full week to work on the robot. Final preparations are being made to prepare our Chairman’s award material and robot into a competition-ready state.
In the business department, members are making final revisions to the Chairman’s presentation, and are looking towards a busy week of polishing the presentations together. Moving forward from the Sprocket Walk-It for Yimbo, the department is working on the exhibition at the Fairplex STEAMfair. Working with the engineering department, the business teams have finished the preparation needed for the fair on Friday and Saturday.

The engineering subteams are also beginning to wrap up their work. Throughout the week, CADD has been coordinating with the rest of the subteams to finish the competition robot. Mechanical has been mainly focused on the finishing touches while Electrical, mostly finished with wiring the robot, has helped the engineering department with testing the bot. Programming has been wrapping up the scouting app for production and has begun preparations for scouting during the San Diego Regional. Other engineering members have been working hard on Team Sprocket’s Everybot project.

Team Sprocket is excited to participate in the SD Regional at the Del Mar fairgrounds. We hope to see all teams and fans there!